Saturday, January 31, 2009


i said it last night at bible study.

jeneane asked "why do we choose to follow God?"

i said "because it's just easier. seriously."

if you do believe and follow God, do you ever ask yourself seriously, why do you follow Him? what is the reason that keeps you coming back to church week after week or to bible study?

i said it's just easier. what i mean is... living with Christ in my life makes things so much easier on me instead of trying live everything on my own thoughts and strength. when i say that, i am so serious, it's not even a joke or anything.

living with Christ makes life so much easier on me.

just because i'm christian doesn't exclude me from the trials and pains of this world. but when those things do hit me, i know i'll be alright because i do have strength in them and i know there's a reason for them. and those reasons are shown to me in time. things may not be shown RIGHT NOW when we want it be seen, but they will be when God wants us to see it. it may be immediate, or not. but God's timing is never off. it's exactly when we need it.

so i said life was easier when we keep God as the center of our lives. it's in the bible. Seek FIRST the kingdom of heaven, and all these things shall be added unto you. so basically, put God first in everything you do, and He will provide.

this morning is my example of that...

i woke up and like... iono. there was just stuff on my mind. school. other commitments. relationships. so many things that i could barely keep from spilling out and breaking me down. seriously, things just ate me up while i laid in bed thinking what i was going to do with all these things. something in my mind was telling me to do my devotional first to start my day right but... i didn't want to listen. i wanted to make things about ME first. put me on the throne of my heart. in the number one spot. but... that's where God's supposed to be. i'm not saying it's a terrible thing to be selfish and do things on our own for ourselves. that's how we are. that's part of our nature. but, we should learn to move away from that and ultimately allign our thoughts and desires to what God wants first.

i was on the virge of just breaking down and not knowing what to do. so i finally gave in and said... you know what. even though i don't want to do this devotional. even if i dont feel like it. i'm going to do it anyways.

when i read that devotional, i knew exactly that i should have done it first today. the title, "the sufficiency of God's grace" was enough for me to know... i messed up. i should have done this FIRST and i wouldn't even had to think or deal with anything i just went through this morning. things could have been SO MUCH EASIER ON ME and my mind if only i listened to the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart telling me... it's going to be okay. just come. come and meet with me for a while and i will take everything away that may be troubling you.

that idea there makes me want to cry. knowing that God is always there RIGHT NEXT TO YOU waiting for you to come to HIM with everything you have that you've been trying to carry yourself WAITING on you to let Him take care of it all. waiting to give you all these blessings and comfort. everything you need.

all we have to do is come. that's it. just come as we are with everything we have and... He'll take it all away. all of it.

it's like... magic? iono how to explain it. i was worrying about how i'm going to figure all this school stuff out. about how to deal with certain people. about how things happened the past couple of days and if they should have happened that way. worrying about what will happen next. but then when you go to meet with God, all those things come into perspective that... they're there for a reason. they're not to hurt you but to make you stronger and develop your dependance on God. He wants us to come to Him. if only we remember to amidst all the distractions of the world.

i think i kinda lost what i was trying to say. oh well.

once again. jeremiah 29:11.
everything going on in my life is exactly what God wants for me right now. i'm exactly where God wants me to be. it's where i need to be to learn whatever it is and become whoever i am supposed to become. these things aren't made to hurt me. God loves me too much to let me ever get hurt to where it breaks me. and i dont mean that in a cocky kind of way. OH GOD LOVES ME SO YEAH THIS AND THAT. it's true. we are all His children and He loves us SO MUCH that He provides everything in our lives for us for reasons that we can't figure out but He promises that they are to give us hope, not to destroy us.

just gotta trust and constantly come back to God. constantly.

its like... we're this little kid lost in a store that forgot to hold on to daddy's hand because we saw something with our curiosity and wanted to see it and do things on our own. but eventually, we figured out that... we're lost and we need our daddy back to help us get home after the store. we wander and wander around looking and crying because we found out that things were better when we're with dad and we're too little to understand things going around us. we're just lost in a big store without any idea. at first we thought we knew what we were doing but eventually we figure out, we're don't know. but luckily, like any of us would be in this situation as a parent, our Father seeks out for us. running to us with open arms to find us where we are and just take our hand and give us comfort. to just... hold us once again and let us know that everything is going to be okay because our Father is in control once again and is holding onto our hand to guide us so that we don't get lost.

hope that made sense to whoever may be reading this. it made sense to me... but if you ever have any questions, feel free to ask!

i think that's it. =D

see... God is so cool. i had a terrible morning, but now things feel so much EASIER.

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