Thursday, January 22, 2009


o0o i forgot to post this. so i got back from my walk and i got this really awes im from my lil sister bri. i do consider her my little sister because i help her through a lot and even though we're far, she can always come to me with anything. i just help her when she gets lost sometimes. but it was really great reading this when i came back. it was like... going from crappy, to crying while walking, and then God showing me His love more and more through everything this night.


luvbriana1210: okay.thanks so much.i honestly couldnt ask God for a better matter what youre always there.and no matter what you say you just always seem to me make feel so much better and i always feel really relieved.and im not gonna lie.with all of this stuff going on.i havnt been to church since the summer and i rarely take the time to open up my Bible and thats really dissappointing.and my language..WOW!i just get so frustrated.and the image my parents have of me really puts me down and im constantly stressed matter what.and idk but i honestly havnt been happy in a really long time.i give up on myself everytime i turn around and i can never pick myself grades show just a mess.the only person, other than God and my grandparents, that can really peice me back together no matter what they do or say is know my life from left to one else knows all of this stuff ive been through and no one else knows how i USED to they dont see how ive changed.and just seem to pick me up when im feeling WAYYY down.and thats so comforting.i catch myself crying sometimes when im txting you or IMin you because i dont know what to do with myself.&you always have something good to say and you always make sure im ok.thats why sometimes i just send you random comments.i want you to know that i truely love you and i am truely blessed to have somone like you.

it just goes to show you that how you carry yourself and how you handle life can make such an impact on others. it was so random for me to im bri tonight. it's been so long that we've talked and we've lost a lot of the closeness that we had before but it's amazing that God put it in my heart to check up on her and notice the things that she was saying that was wrong and use me to correct her and help her grow in godliness. i love her bunches. i just want her to grow more and more. even though things may seem tough for her, i know God has something great in store for her. something amazing.

just like He does for all of His children. <3


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