Thursday, January 22, 2009


i took a walk to clear my head and try to find something to help me with whatever has been so heavy on my shoulders. nothing in this world, not the silence of the night, the expanse of the sky, the 30 minutes i have outside could do anything for me.

because they are of this world.

TRUE peace and comfort only comes from the one i call Father. My God. even when i'm in my brokeness, He is right next to me, holding me. only in Him am i complete. things can do their worst to get me down and at times it feels like they've won.

victory may look totally out of the picture, but that's just because the battle isn't over.

God is on my side so no matter what i go through, no matter what the world may throw at me. no matter how many times i may lose the fight, i KNOW that i will win the war.

i've heard the song EVERYTHING by Lifehouse a million times because i fell in love of the display of God's love for us shown in the famous lifehouse skit, but i never really listened to the words. tonight, on my walk, i REALLY LISTENED to what God had to say to me. there was a lot for me to learn. so many words of the song lead back to verse's i've heard over and over again in church but never really cared to apply them. until now.

the song tells us so much about our walk. about my walk. it was like... it was exactly what i needed to hear. the first verse is just... speaking of our thirst to just BE with God and seek Him in a place all our own to find peace with Him. things of this world may give us temporary peace, but God's love and grace gives us peace that surpases all understanding. and it's never ending. HOW AWESOME IS THAT? it's like... you could have the worst things happen to you, your car breaks down, your friend leaves you, you're struggling in school, you lose your job, but no matter WHAT, no matter WHAT


God will be there. before you even ask, He's already at your side ready for you to come to Him with everything and anything. if you ask for peace and your heart is pure, surely He will give it to you.

wow that's so much i've written on JUST ONE VERSE. hahaha. sorry if this is long for whoever is reading. but i think i'm going to do the entire song. i just want to get it down so i can remember everything for myself. hope you're not bored reading...

so verse two speaks of God being our strength, hope, light, and purpose. it's true. when we feel weak and the world has gotten the best of us, God will raise us up on eagle's wings and renew our strength. He grants us hope with His promises to give us a future that will NEVER destroy us. it may hurt at times, but God will never give us something we cannot handle. everything is just the right amount for Him to get His point across to us. our light because... what would the world be without light? darkness isn't a thing, it's just the absence of light itself. so like... ok. when you feel things are dark and you're just lost in all the blackness, why is that? you must not have God around much, the light. so seek God first. BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE and everything else will fall into place. and last of the verse, our purpose. it's our life purpose to live for God and give Him glory in everything. when we lose sight of that goal we have, thing's start to get rocky and yeah. crap happens. that's what happened to me.

but just as we begin to slip and lose sight of God as our purpose in life, He's there already waiting for us WITH OPEN ARMS. He runs to US, not the other way around. HE IS THERE ready and willing to give you rest from everything that makes you cry. everything. ANY LITTLE THING that may give you tire, He's there to take it all away and renew you.

the bridge tells us about how can we simply stand in the presence of God and not be moved by Him. we are ALWAYS in His presence when we invite Him into our lives. we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit that dwells within us so there isn't an excuse for us to think that God isn't around watching over us. He's always there ready to show us something new. ready to teach. ready to MOVE us. we just have to seek Him. it also says how can it be any better than this. God should always be enough for us. my goodness He is WAYYYY more than enough.

ok. this part is SO AMAZING. God could have given us just... the 10 comandments and that would have been enough for us to know what is right and wrong to make our lives right. but no. He continued to give. He gives us comfort, peace, love. EVERYTHING. even if we TOTALLY don't deserve it, He continues to bless us with everything we need. and we sure do not deserve this sort of love. God created us so that we can give Him glory, but the sadness of that is... we don't. it's like... having a bestfriend that you neglect and is always excited to hear from you and talk to you and give you love and show you everything you ever need but... you ignore them. instead of meeting up with them to spend the day with them and just talk talk talk about everything, you send them a text that says, whats up and the conversation leads to nowhere. it's a terrible thing how we as a people of God have been driven so far away from Him all these years.

BUT ITS SO CRAZY HOW GOD SHOWS US GRACE AND MERCY DESPITE ALL THOSE THINGS! we don't deserve His love with how we treat Him and spit on His face with things. we've all sinned. but His love goes beyond all those things and He continues to shower us with love and everything we need. ALWAYS. He is our eternal love and provider for everything. and with everything we've done, we don't deserve a place in His home. we deserve a life of complete separation. but instead of giving what we deserve in that sense, He says no, my Son has already paid that price for you. because of this love i have for you, my beloved, your sins are WIPED CLEAN. gone. it's like... getting a speeding ticket for 1000 dollars and you have no idea how you're going to pay for it. so you go to court and talk with the judge and the judge just says... you know what, i know what you did was wrong, but i'm going to forget this and let you have another try. but then multiply that by 20938490283409432 TIMES. because we know we've sinned that many times. but no matter what, HE PROMISES to always wipe us clean of sin if our hearts are true when we repent. and repent doesn't mean just... oh i stole but i can repent and i'll be forgiven. then you go and do it again. then repent again. it doesn't make it ok when you do that. you have to actually take what you've done and TURN AROUND from it and make an effort not to do that sin anymore.

btw, God doesn't put us through all this because He want's us to suffer or whatever. it's not a punishment. God loves us so much but He allows us to sin. it's not just you when you sin and say that mean thing or think that thought. God is with you RIGHT NEXT TO YOU holding your hand guiding you through that sin. with that love, we don't need to be afraid of God being mad at us. He lets it happen so that we can learn from our mistakes. God takes the dirtiest of things and makes them something beautiful. Paul in the bible wasn't one of the ideal apostle's over night. He was one of the greatest haters of christians. but God used His power to do something amazing and turn this person totally around and make paul someone that we as christians today look up to in the example He sets for us. God takes our dirtiest thoughts and habits and uses them to teach us how to be like Him so that we can also be happy and clean. SO COOL RIGHT! and we always think sin is such a bad thing...

wow. i had no idea i would write so much about just that bridge. i actually didn't wanna write about it because it was just 2 lines so how much would there be in it? wrong. hahaha. yeah this is long. =P but it's worth reading. well for me it is.

ok so next verse. God calms our storms and gives us rest. God is always standing by to help us through the things that may toss us around in this world. even in the hardest times, we can be assured that if we look to Him, we can find rest in Him and His word. You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall. ok so even though we feel we are totally in control of our lives, like... i did this because OF ME, that's not the case. God knew us since before we were born or even THOUGHT of and even then, He had every single second of our lives planned out. He know's everything that's going to happen to us and it's all for good. it's like... so we've seen the last 3 star wars episodes right. we've seen them a lot way before we even saw how everything started. and then when we watch the first 3 movies, even though things look tough at times, we can rest easy because we know the ending already since we've seen it. it's the same case with God. having Him in our lives already guarantees us eternal life so it's like... what are you worrying about? this life is just preparing us for heaven. it may seem super long but its only like... A SECOND to God. so trust in God's love and salvation. don't worry. =D You steal my heart, You take my breath away. God should be the love of our lives. He wants us to love us how we love our boyfriends and girlfriends. but with boyfriends and girlfriends, there's a limit to the love that they show us. with God, His love goes WAYYY beyond anything we can ever understand. lovers can come and go and you never know if your boyfriend or girlfriend is going to be with you forever. they might leave you because you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. but you can ALWAYS depend on God loving you no matter what. He's always going to love you. a girlfriend might break up with you if you cheat on her and that's that. when we cheat on God, He's always there for us waiting for us to come back to Him. there will never be a point where He will turn us away and say that He wants to break things off. like i said, His love goes beyond what we can understand. would you take me in? take me deeper now? we should have an undying thirst to be with God and learn more about Him and just always be with Him. all day, everyday. we need to ask God to keep this thirst in us and just continue to take us deeper and deeper into His word and love so that we can know God more and more. REALLY know him.

you're all i want
you're all i need
you're everything

the chorus sums it all up for us. God is enough for us so what more could we want? God is everything we need so why worry about anything? He will provide what we need.

He is everything...

i think that pretty much sums up the whole song. it's an amazing song when you need comfort or anything from God. when times are hard and you lose sight of the light in your life... don't turn to the thing's of this world, for they are just like chasing the wind. they don't last. the comfort may be good at the time, but how long will that last?

turn to God.

He is everlasting
&forever loving
&anything we need
&everything we need

He is our Father and He loves us so much. He would never let us fall. He loves us too much to let that happen. AWESOME RIGHT?!

that was really long. hope you stuck with me through it all. =D
and i hope you take something back from it. much love and God bless.

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i love,God ,my family, my friends, photography, music, more than an about me can tell you. just ask. iLove.

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