Saturday, February 7, 2009


late huh. 434am. what a night...

so reasons. behind every happening. behind every setback. behind every situation, God has a reason that it happens. things don't just... happen by chance. God works to make everything work in perfect harmony. we just don't see it immediately all the time. sometimes God tells you no to something that you feel should be a yes. but no matter what you think, you should always think back to who knows better, you or God? it happened to me and it was confusing on what was going on. but eventually, after the confusion, there's always a clear view of what is going on and you find peace and understanding.


it's amazing how when God closes a window, He opens a door. bible study showed me that tonight. God showed me that tonight. you really just have to trust and wait upon Him to see what He wants to happen. even though i live my life a certain way and feel that i'm in control, i have to learn that God is the one who is leading me and i have to stop doing everything on my own volition and what i feel is best.

it's just really cool how at the end of the night tonight, every little thing came into perfect perspective. things worked out exactly how they should have. God doesn't miss. everything He does is beautiful, in time.

beattitudes ftw. bible study is awes. just ask my friends<3

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