Sunday, March 8, 2009

perfect timing//on and on.

in my experience, there is no such thing as PERFECT timing. sad to say, but to me, there is no such thing.

but there is for me, God's timing. for me, that's so much better than perfect.

whatever happens in my life, good or bad, i know it's right. it's exactly where God wants me to be in life at that very moment. God doesn't miss. He's never too early or comes late. whether the circumstances be good or bad, i know that there is a reason for it all. there's a purpose so much bigger than i can see. because all i can see is the current. what's happening NOW is what matters to me. but i know my God has such a greater plan for me. so much bigger and greater than i can even comprehend. He is my father who always has His best in mind for me. i am His beloved. i am His and He is mine.

He is my shepherd. as long as i am the sheep, i will always do my best to keep my eyes fixed on the shepherd that guides me. even though there are dark valleys that i might go through, i won't be afraid. my Father is there. always there no matter what. there is NOTHING that can separate us. while walking, i might stray away from the path He has set out for me, but i know that He keeps His eye on me all the time and is there to lead me back when the time is right. His rod and staff give me comfort because with that staff, He protects me from harm. He will never let me fall. things may happen that may seem to be bad, but i know they're all trials for me to build my character. things may get hard, but i know it's never something that i cannot overcome. God will provide everything i need to overcome that obstacle. He gives more than enough. He is more than enough...

time and time again, i keep going back to this theme when it comes to writing about my faith. my relationship with God...

it is always, always, ALWAYS about love.

all the things i see around me. all the things that happen in my life. all the amazing things i learn. even the things that may hurt me for a moment. i know it's all out of the love of my amazing Father. everything has a purpose. and behind that purpose is this unfailing love that will never let me down.

oh my gosh. i cannot believe how amazing this love is. knowing that... no matter how many times i deserve for God to turn away from me and have Him say that i am nothing to Him, i know that won't happen. when i hurt Him with the things i do and say, i don't even have to turn to Him first. i see my Father running towards me. TO CATCH ME. TO HOLD ME. TO KEEP ME SAFE. TO COMFORT ME.

to tell me i'm worth something.

there's so many things i've done in my life that make me the worst person ever. no one ever knows because i wear masks all the time to hide them. but the one person who can see past all these masks is my God. He knows my heart. He created it. even before my parents were thinking about each other, God had me in mind planning out every SINGLE step i was going to take in life. all the places i've been. all the things i've done. all the sins i've committed. i know that God planned out all those things. everything planned to the exact perfect moment. perfect not in my eyes, but to God, it is perfect. because He is perfect.

this is how i know my God is real. it's so much more than a religion. relgion is like... a way for man to find out about eternity or what happens after death and what to do in life to get there or at least try.

for me, it is this amazing relationship. without God, who knows where i would be. He's my crutch through everything in my life. not just a crutch, but He carries me when i can't walk on my own. always holding my hand and never letting me go.

there are so many instances in my life, especially these past few months, that without having God to turn to for comfort, i don't know how i would have gotten through them. without having that connection to give all my problems up to Him, my shoulders would have broken under the pressure of all these things. things that i know i would not have been able to manage without Him being there to share the load.

i just really felt i needed to let all those things out. to reconnect with my Father. these bad situations in life... they get so hard sometimes and i am so tempted to cry out to God for Him to just take it all away and let me get on with my life. but i know that thorn in my foot is there for a reason. i have these burdens and sins in my life so i can build my dependence on my Father over and over. it keeps me reminded that i really do need Him and i should bring anything and everything to Him no matter what. i have to give Him my best, so that He can give me His best.

they can bring me down, but they can't hold me there.

my problems and worries may be big, but my God is bigger...

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i love,God ,my family, my friends, photography, music, more than an about me can tell you. just ask. iLove.

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